In-built plotting methods

Sure! If you like you could also do another Sobol’ indices method, but this time for the total indices obtained from .get_total_sobol_indices().

Re the regularisation path, here is a notebook with a basic example:

Notice the $\sigma$ bounds which are added when crit='CV'. This is showing the standard deviation in MSE over five folds when “cross-validation” is chosen as the selection criterion (the criterion used to pick the “optimal” $\lambda$ value. When crit='AIC' or 'BIC' are chosen this isn’t needed as we only have one fold.

Also, for higher order/dimension problems we probably need some logic to limit how many coefficients are plotted. Perhaps we just pick a certain number of the largest ones?

@psesh, are you happy to tick off the dimension reduction plotting methods? Or were there other plots we still need there?

We don’t have a sufficient summary plot yet. Its an easy addition actually.

Ah yes forgot about that, I’ve added it to the list. Thanks!

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Hey @ascillitoe , sorry for the late reply.
Actually I was trying to understand the concept of Solver module, till now what I was able to understand was that from our model, regpoly in this case. we extract certain information like
Lamdas, x_path, IC, IC_std, idx and the elements from the basis module and using these we have to plot a graph between x_path vs Lamda , the issue I was facing was that I wasn’t able to understand the theory behind the elastic_net(solver) code, could you suggest any paper or tutorial explaining this?


Hi @Simardeep27, no problem at all! The general set-up of equadratures is that after defining our parmeters and basis, we are left with a linear system $\mathbf{y}=\mathbf{A}\boldsymbol{\beta}$, where the $\mathbf{A}$ matrix contains the polynomial basis terms and $\boldsymbol{\beta}$ is a vector of polynomial coefficients. We then need a “solver” to solve this system to obtain $\boldsymbol{\beta}$. See this tutorial for more details, or this post for a more simple linear regression example.

The simplest solver is the method='least-squares', which is ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, i.e. it simply minimises $\lVert \boldsymbol{y} -\mathbf{A}\boldsymbol{\beta} \rVert_2^2$. The elastic net adds L1 and L2 penality terms to this, i,.e. it minimises:

\frac{1}{2}||{\mathbf{A}\boldsymbol{\beta}-\mathbf{y}}||_2^2+\lambda_1||\boldsymbol{\beta}||_1+\frac{1}{2}\lambda_2||\boldsymbol{\beta}||_2^2 \
\lambda_1 = \lambda \alpha \
\lambda_2 = \lambda(1-\alpha)

The challenge with the above is deciding on the $\lambda$ value, which controls the strength of the penalty terms. The method='elastic-net' efficiently solves the above system for many different values of $\lambda$. The “regularisation path” is a plot showing the polynomial coefficients for each $\lambda$ value. When $\lambda=0$ we return to OLS regression, and when $\lambda\rightarrow\infty$ the coefficients tend to zero. We choose the “optimal” $\lambda$ value by minimising an information criterion such as AIC, BIC, or cross-validated MSE, so it is useful to plot this at the same time (i.e. see that notebook I shared). We use the coordinate descent algorithm described in this paper by Friedman et al. (Fig. 1 shows some example regularisation paths):

Thanks a lot for the explanation,
I will start working on this as soon as possible.

Hey @ascillitoe, I started working on the plot, for the higher number of coefficients, if we use Bokeh or plotly and give user a CheckBox to choose which coefficient plot they want to view, would that work?

Hi @Simardeep27, interactive plots with Bokeh or plotly is a great idea, and certainly something we could thread into the GSOC proposal. However, I still think we need the capability to do a standard matplotlib plot for users to use in scripts, writing reports etc.

I’ve updated the notebook above (here too) with an example of what I think is the easiest solution. We can have an optional argument nplot (default None). If it exists we just plot the first nplot largest coefficients (at \lambda=\lambda_{min}), otherwise if nplot=None we plot all the coefficients.

Oh, Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

I will take a look at the notebook, thanks again.

Hey @ascillitoe , I have formed the function around the method you provided, this is the notebook:

Thanks a lot for the explanation about the topic.

Nice work! I just noticed I should have probably taken the absolute values of the coefficients when sorting to find the largest ones (as we want largest values not the most positive), so the plots=... line becomes plots = (-np.abs(coeffs)).argsort()[:nplot]. After that, it would be great if you could add this into a PR!

We like to keep all the plotting functions in, so you could define a plot_regpath() method there. This could then be called by a wrapper function elastic_net().plot_regpath() defined in (i.e. a method belonging to the elastic_net solver class). So the final use case would be:

mypoly = eq.Poly(parameters=myparam, basis=mybasis, method='elastic-net', 
            'sample-points':X, 'sample-outputs':y})

Oh, okay I will make the changes and add it to the solver file

Hey @ascillitoe , I was working on creating the wrapper function, I had a doubt that if we add this in the , what parameters will we be taking as input because I think we would need to change the implementation of the function a little, because defining the function in raises an error that elastic_net object has no attribute solver.

The elastic_net subclass is actually stored as an attribute of the Poly class (when method='elastic-net'), so Poly.solver() will return an elastic_net object in this case. i.e. we wouldn’t expect the solver itself (elastic_net) to have a solver attribute.

If you can share your code in a branch on your fork I can take a look?

Sure, I will provide the link ASAP

Hey @ascillitoe , sorry for the late reply,
This is the link the github file containing the code(line 1006):

What I am thinking that instead of defining the function in, shouldn’t we define it in

Since this plot_regpath method is specifc to the elastic_net subclass only, I think it makes more sense to keep it as an attribute of that class. Otherwise we’d have to add code in to deal with occasions when the user calls Poly.plot_regpath() despite having selected a different solver such as method='least-squares'.

It looks like the issue is just that you are referencing the Polynomial within plot_regpath() in solver,py, but in we call plot_regpath(self), i.e. we’re passing in the elastic_net solver object. Hopefully a fix will be to change lines 288 and 304-309 in to:

def plot_regpath(Solver,nplot=None,save=False,show=True,return_figure=False):
    lamdas = Solver.lambdas
    x_path = Solver.xpath
    IC = Solver.ic
    IC_std = Solver.ic_std
    idx = Solver.opt_idx
    elements = Polynomial.basis.elements

The elements = ... bit is a little tricky, as this requires Polynomial.basis.elements which aren’t stored within the elastic_net solver. I have an idea for this, but for now I reckon its best to remove the elements bit, and for the labels simply do label = 'j = %d' %j i.e. just label the coefficients by the column number for now.

I was thinking that in we are already using loops to check the solver used, hence we can call the method there, also in this we can call the basis.elements too.
I will try this method and send the code asap.

Hey @ascillitoe , I tried running the code but it is still showing an error, I also tried giving super().method as a parameter for the function in but its still not working.